Guano Podcast – Episode 15 – Pregnancy

Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you will love the commentary anyways! Play in new window | Download

Guano Podcast – Episode 14 – Hulu Limited

Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you will love the commentary anyways! Play in new window | Download

Guano Podcast – Episode 13 – Triggerred

Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you will love the commentary anyways! Play in new window | Download

Guano Podcast – Episode 12 – Sue Happy

Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you will love the commentary anyways! Play in new window | Download

Guano Podcast – Episode 8 – Iced Tea is Terrible

Episode 211 of this Season’s Guano Youtube series. Jeff talks about hating Iced Tea, where Guude has not met a tea he doesn’t like. Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you will …

Guano Podcast – Episode 6 – Most Googled Searches on Christmas

Episode 209 of this Season’s Guano Youtube series, Guude and Jeff read the most Googled search terms on Christmas by State. Planet Fitness hours anyone? Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, but you …

Guano Podcast – Episode 5 – Best Speech Ever

Episode 208 of this Season’s Guano Youtube series was recording during the longest government shutdown in history right after President Donald Trump addressed the nation regarding border security. We discuss the shutdown as well as the amazing speech from Trump and response by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Note: This is the audio only from …

Guano Podcast – Episode 4 – Illegal Parking

Episode 207 of this Season’s Guano Youtube series, Jeff complains about the “parking job” his wife did with his car, in front of a fire hydrant, and then the vehicle being unable to start again. Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may …

Guano Podcast – Episode 1 – Candy in Stockings

Episode 204 of this Season’s Guano Youtube series, JSano is determined that candy does not belong in stockings. Guude loses his mind based on this thought process. Note: This is the audio only from a Minecraft recording session. You will hear random game sounds and we may reference things on screen that you cannot see, …